Words: Gloucestershire's Volunteer Awards, 5 June 2025. With image of audience from the 2024 ceremony in background

We're absolutely delighted to announce that Gloucestershire's Volunteer Awards is returning for 2025!

Please save Thursday 5 June 2025 in your diary as we can't wait to celebrate with you again!

Matt and partners standing together at Shire Hall in November

On Tuesday 29 November our CEO, Matt Lennard, joined partners from Gloucestershire County Council, the NHS, the police and the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner.

Each partner signed a charter committing to work together to make Gloucestershire ‘a great place to grow up where children and young people thrive and live lives of choice and opportunity’.

Words: Join our team

Would you like to join an enthusiastic and supportive team who work together to strengthen, support and develop the VCSE sector in Gloucestershire?

Find out more about our new and Administrative Co-ordinator role below:

Words: State of the Sector, Community Interest Companies. Two images of Gloucestershire landscape in magnifying glasses

We're delighted to announce the launch of our analysis of Community Interest Companies (CICs) in Gloucestershire.

Our Research and Development Officer, Emily, has also created an Interactive Data Dashboard containing information about CICs in the county.

Magnifying glass placed over newspaper with the word 'Jobs' magnified under glass

This weeks round up of job and trustee vacancies within the VCSE sector in Gloucestershire.

Week beginning 25 November 2024.

Two children playing

Barnwood Trust, Gloucestershire County Council and Gloucestershire VCS Alliance are today announcing a new partnership aimed at enhancing inclusive short breaks for families of disabled children and young people.

This initiative will run until April 2027, and will see the partners working together to co-fund short breaks in Gloucester, the North Cotswolds and Tewkesbury.

One Gloucestershire logo

From January 2025, the One Gloucestershire Integrated Care System will be working with the VCSE sector and the people & communities of Gloucestershire to:

Codesign a partnership model to support a thriving and sustainable VCSE sector and Create community capacity and support to individuals on the ground.