Over recent months we at the Gloucestershire VCS Alliance have been pleased to have been involved, alongside other VCS partners, in the development of the Complex Emotional Needs project led by Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust.

The VSC Alliance is hosting an online training session, delivered by MS Teams, for smaller VCSE organisations interested in learning more about budgeting. The Alliance is offering this event free of charge for the benefit of our members.

Nominees for VCS Representative positions at the Gloucestershire Volunteering Collaborative

EU Settlement Scheme

EU, European Economic Area or Swiss citizens who were resident in the UK by Dec 31 2020 and all their family members need to apply to the EU Settlement Scheme to continue living in the UK beyond 30 June 2021.

A number of good quality laptops are available free of charge to the voluntary and community sector.

This year’s roadshow will inevitably be a bit different to usual, but this gives us the opportunity to bring the roadshow directly to your office, home, garden shed or anywhere with internet access!

Gloucestershire starts the year with an exciting vision to build on our strong history of collaboration thanks to new funding and support from The King’s Fund and The National Lottery Community Fund.