We work in partnership with VCSE and Public sector partners to support mental health and wellbeing in Gloucestershire.

Gloucestershire VCS Alliance Mental Health Forum

Our Mental Health Forum is a network of local organisations from the VCSE sector in the county which aims to make mental health support and advice services across the county more accessible, more effective, and more suited to the needs of their users. If you would like to sign up to our Mental Health Forum, please contact us and a member of our team will get back to you.

Free mental Health & Wellbeing Support for the VCSE sector in Gloucestershire

The Wellbeing Line offers free and confidential mental health & wellbeing support for anyone working in Health & Social Care in Gloucestershire. It is a psychologically led service for any individual in any role who is feeling worried, anxious or depressed, as well as free consultations for managers (this includes team leaders, managers and anyone who is line managing others). More information about sector-specific support is available here.

Community Mental Health Transformation Programme

Our initial focus is on delivering the community component of Gloucestershire’s Community Mental Health Transformation programme. We have been commissioned to promote better system integration between community and statutory organisations, however, we’re already looking beyond this and are working to identify further opportunities for us to work in partnership with the wider VCSE sector, to promote the county’s mental health. More information about this programme is here

Community Mental Health Transformation Grant

We're pleased to welcome the Community Mental Health Transformation Grant to Gloucestershire! The £100,000 fund is now open to applications from VCSE sector groups & organisations supporting Gloucestershire adults who are experiencing serious mental ill-health. More information about the fund, eligibility criteria and the online application form is here

Keep Updated

We provide regular updates about this work in our VCSE Sector News Bulletin, more information about our Bulletin and how to sign up can be found here.