This article contains links to the range of mental health support available in Gloucestershire.

If you'd like us to include links to other services in the county, please contact us and our team will update this page.

Crisis Line

If you need to seek urgent mental health support in Gloucestershire for yourself, a team member, service user or anyone else, support is available 24 hours a day 7 days a week via the Crisis Line. To access support, please call 0800 169 0398.

The Crisis Line has created a poster that you can send to your team or display on noticeboards: 

You can also find out more about this service on the NHS Gloucestershire website.

The Wellbeing Line

The Wellbeing Line offers free and confidential mental health & wellbeing support. It is a psychologically led service for any individual in any role who is feeling worried, anxious or depressed, as well as free consultations for managers (this includes team leaders, managers and anyone who is line managing others).  

We work in partnership with The Wellbeing Line. This means that VCSE sector groups & organisations across Gloucestershire can receive free health & wellbeing support.  

  • Individual team members can make initial contact with The Wellbeing Line by calling 0300 421 7500, for a supportive and non-judgmental conversation.
  • Managers and team leaders can call 0300 421 7500 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you/they are concerned about an individual in their team or would like to talk about how best to support their teams. 

Support provided is confidential and completely independent of employers (line management/HR/occupational health), GPs and Gloucestershire VCS Alliance. Nothing is written in any personal records. 

The Wellbeing Line has created some posters for you to send to your team or display on noticeboards within your organisation: 

You can also find out more about The Wellbeing Line on their website

CandO ‘Connect and Offload’ (or CandO, pronounced ‘Can Do’, for short)

CandO has been designed to provide support when someone first notices signs and symptoms of their mental health worsening.  It is open to any adult (aged 18+) in Gloucestershire who is experiencing issues with their emotional wellbeing, such as low mood, anxiety, stress and loneliness. This includes support and advice for individuals seeking help with self-harm, allowing them to receive the support they need, alongside wider support for overall emotional wellbeing.

The helpline enables people to access help anonymously without the need for a referral or an appointment. It is available 365 days a year between 2 pm and 9 pm. The service can be contacted by:

  • Telephone: 0808 801 0606
  • Text: 07537 410 022
  • Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

This helpline is delivered and managed by Rethink Mental Illness, a leading mental health charity that offers a range of services across England and Gloucestershire, including award winning helpline services. For more information on CandO please visit:

Gloucestershire NHS Talking Therapies

This is a free, friendly and approachable local NHS service that treats common issues like depression, stress, anxiety and phobias using evidence-based talking therapies. The service can be accessed face to face, on the telephone or online by anyone aged 18+. You do not need to be referred by a GP and you can refer yourself online by visiting their website. Alternatively GP’s and other professionals can refer you into our service. 

Other support available in the county

There are a range of mental health support lines available in Gloucestershire. These include:

One Gloucestershire also has an online library containing of apps that have been through the ORCHA review process. The apps cover a range of health themes, including mental health: 

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Support for the VCSE sector in Gloucestershire 

We provide a range of support for VCSE sector groups & organisations of all shapes and sizes in Gloucestershire, including fully funded training & events, a range of thematic mailings, regular news updates, free membership and help recruiting volunteers

We are the independent voice of the VCSE sector in Gloucestershire and are passionate about promoting equal partnerships at every level. You can find out more about how we work in partnership and represent the sector on our About Us page