Words: Gloucestershire VCSE Strategic Partnership

Minutes from the Gloucestershire VCSE Strategic Partnership are now available on the In Partnership website.

The In Partnership website runs alongside the Gloucestershire VCS Alliance website and houses information about the Partnership and their work.

About the Partnership

The Gloucestershire VCSE Strategic Partnership was established to provide overall direction and governance of VCSE sector engagement in the county with the One Gloucestershire Integrated Care System (ICS). The  members of the Partnership are elected by and work within the VCSE sector in Gloucestershire.

One Gloucestershire Integrated Care System (ICS) is the partnership between the county’s NHS organisations and Gloucestershire County Council. By working together, ICS member organisations aim to deliver more joined-up support and services within communities to address health inequalities and improve public health.

You can find out more about the work of the Partnership, and the ICS, on our ICS page

Keep updated about the work of the Partnership

The Partnership usually meets monthly and minutes are published on the In Partnership website. You can also download a range of other documents, including including the Partnership's Terms of Reference and the Memorandum of Understanding that was agreed with public sector partners in 2022.

Each quarter, we send out our In Partnership newsletter. This mailing contains updates about how the VCSE sector in Gloucestershire is working in partnership with the public sector and a range of agencies for the benefit of local communities. Please sign up using our sign up form.

Get in touch

If you have any queries about the work of the Partnership, please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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We provide a range of support for VCSE sector groups & organisations of all shapes and sizes in Gloucestershire, including fully funded training & events, a range of thematic mailings, regular news updates, free membership and help to recruit volunteers.

We are the independent voice of the VCSE sector in Gloucestershire and are passionate about promoting equal partnerships at every level. You can find out more about how we work in partnership and represent the sector on our About Us page.