Gloucestershire County Council has commenced activities to recommission the Gloucestershire Unpaid Carers Support Services (Adult and Children), to support unpaid carers who are Adults (18 years+) and Young carers (8 – 24 years) across Gloucestershire.

The contract term is 1 April 2026 – 31 March 2031 with the option to extend the term for a period of not more than two years at the end of the initial contract period. 

As with all commissioning activities, the recommissioning will be run through the council’s procurement portal ( You will need to create an account (which is free) if you would like to participate in this procurement. 

Market Engagement Events

As part of these activities, the County Council is holding two market engagement sessions. These are on:

  • Tuesday 7 January 2025, between 2:30pm and 4:30pm, at Shire Hall
  • Wednesday 8 January 2025, between 1:30pm and 3:30pm, via MS Teams

To sign up for either of these events you will need to register your interest on the ProContract portal. You will then receive a message via ProContract asking which event you would like to attend.

During the session, the County Council will provide an overview of the procurement process, indicative dates, requirement details, and give interested providers the opportunity to ask any questions they may have.

The event will be recorded, and some FAQs will be sent out after the event, should you be unable to attend. To receive a copy of the recording, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Prior Information Notice

We have published a PIN (prior information notice) which contains more information:

Unpaid Carers Support Services (Adult and Children)

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We have a range of funding information on our website, including information about local tender opportunities for VCSE sector groups & organisations in Gloucestershire. This information is avaliable on our Local Tender Opportunities page.

Monthly Funding Bulletin

We also produce a monthly Funding Bulletin, with information about funding opportunities, upcoming deadlines, useful resources and more. More information about our Funding Bulletin and how to sign up is available on our Newsletter page.