The VCSE sector in Gloucestershire is currently experiencing a high number of leaders and changemakers leaving their roles, while others are experiencing increased pressure. It feels like a time of significant transition, not just within the VCSE sector but within leadership roles throughout the county.

There will be a number of factors affecting this, and the Gloucestershire VCSE Strategic Partnership recognise that change isn’t inherently bad, but identifying common trends will help them to understand the pressure points and target specific support for the sectors' existing leadership. 

The VCSE Strategic Partnership is therefore keen to understand better why this is happening and to explore what support VCSE leaders require to improve retention and foster a positive transition.  Consequently, they are looking to identify 3 cohorts of leader within the VCSE sector to take part in 1-1 conversations and/or a survey, all of which will be held with the upmost confidentiality: 

  1. Those that have recently left their role or are planning to so in the near future. They’d like to carry out an ‘exit interview’ with you to understand your reasons for leaving and to identify any trends. 

  2. New leaders within the sector that have taken up a post within the last 2 years. They’d like to work with you to understand your experiences, good and bad, and learn from you what support may have been useful and would be useful in the future. 

  3. Experienced leaders that feeling overwhelmed and considering leaving their posts. This will give them an understanding of whether this period of change will continue and what support we might be able to offer.  

If you would be interested in taking part and recognise yourself or a colleague in any of the cohorts above, please make contact, confidentially, with any member of the VCSE Strategic Partnership below. They will then contact you to offer either a conversation or survey link depending on your preference:

  • Matt Lennard

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