The recent surge in racist violence across the country is deeply disturbing and unacceptable. As the Gloucestershire VCS Alliance, we stand united in condemning these acts of hate and intimidation. 

We extend our solidarity to all those affected by these horrific events.

A growing toxic rhetoric, spread via social media and people with influence, has created a climate of fear and division, emboldening extremists to target diverse communities. Mosques, shops, and individuals have been subjected to appalling violence and abuse. This is not a protest; it is extremism.

We recognise the profound impact these incidents will have on our communities, particularly on those who have been directly targeted or who share similar backgrounds. It is essential that we come together to support one another and create safe spaces for all.

As organisations working at the heart of our communities, we have a responsibility to challenge racism and violence, and all forms of discrimination. We urge all voluntary and community organisations to:

  • Prioritise the safety and wellbeing of staff, volunteers, and service users from diverse ethnic backgrounds, providing necessary support and resources.

  • Condemn racism and hate crime publicly and work to create inclusive environments where everyone feels safe and respected.

  • Engage with local communities to build understanding and promote cohesion.

  • Challenge harmful stereotypes and narratives perpetuated in the media and by public figures.

Together, we can create a society where everyone feels valued and protected. As the Gloucestershire VCS Alliance we are proud to be part of the rich and diverse communities across Gloucestershire and stand with them in condemning this violence and racism. 

Matt Lennard, Chief Officer, Gloucestershire VCS Alliance